
Showing posts from July, 2021

Domestic Violence Bill Pakistan 2021 - An Anti Islamic Senate Bill

Domestic Violence Bill 2021 in Pakistan is against Islamic Principles as in such bill whole family system is managed under westernized way like “Parents are not allowed to interfere in the privacy of sons and daughters”, “If A Husband Say to His Wife That I Will Do A Second Marriage Or Expresses his Wishes To Do a Second Marriage, Then It is Considered As A Crime And Punishment Will Be Given To Husband”, If A husband say to his wife That I Will Give “Talaq” To You, then it is also considered as a Crime And Punishment Will Be Given To Husband”, etc. This Bill, if implemented, will surely destroyed our Whole Islamic Based Family System Which Is Given By Islam To us. We Reject this Domestic Violence Bill 2021 of Se nate of Pakistan and give “Lanat” To This Bill. We, as Muslims, want to Follow such family system which establishes and grows under Islamic Fundamental Principles. گھریلو تشدد بل، سینٹ میں اکثریت کی رائے سے منظور ہو گیا ہے۔ اس بل کو منظور کروانے میں پی ٹی آئی، پیپلزپ

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